"Riley B. King" (born September 16, 1925), known as "BB" King, is an American blues musician and singer-songwriter. He is a multi-instrumentalist whose success has been limited to the post-war blues genre.

King was born in 1925 in Mississippi, the son of sharecroppers and the youngest of eight children. His talent for music began early in childhood; he taught himself harmonica at age 12.

One of the most outstanding blues guitarists in history, was born in Mississippi. He was a singer, songwriter and a long-time bandleader.

He is primarily known for his acoustic guitar playing, an electric guitar player named Jimi Hendrix once said that "King should be recognized as one of the world's greatest players on any instrument."

He joined the rhythm and blues band at age 13 and recorded with it until he was 18.

Lets take a look at some of his best songs, which are really worth listening to.

- The Thrill Is Gone

 Key To The Highway

Why I Sing The Blues

Every Day I Have The Blues

Rock Me Baby

 Sweet Little Angel

 You Upset Me Baby 

 Please Accept My Love